Digital transformation will create trillions of dollars of value. While estimates vary, the World Economic Forum in 2016 estimated an increase in $100 trillion in global business and social value by 2030. Due to AI, PwC has estimated an increase of $15.7 trillion and McKinsey has estimated an increase of $13 trillion in annual global GDP by 2030. We are currently in the middle of an AI renaissance, driven by big data and breakthroughs in machine learning and deep learning. These breakthroughs offer opportunities and challenges to companies depending on the speed at which they adapt to these changes. Modern enterprises face 5 key challenges in today’s era of big data 1. Handling a multiplicity of enterprise source systems The average Fortune 500 enterprise has a few hundred enterprise IT systems, all with their different data formats, mismatched references across data sources, and duplication 2. Incorporating and contextualising high frequency data The challenge gets significantly harder with increase in sensoring, resulting inflows of real time data. For example, readings of the gas exhaust temperature for an offshore low-pressure compressor are only of limited value in of itself. But combined with ambient temperature, wind speed, compressor pump speed, history of previous maintenance actions, and maintenance logs, this real-time data can create a valuable alarm system for offshore rig operators. 3. Working with data lakes Today, storing large amounts of disparate data by putting it all in one infrastructure location does not reduce data complexity any more than letting data sit in siloed enterprise systems. 4. Ensuring data consistency, referential integrity, and continuous downstream use A fourth big data challenge is representing all existing data as a unified image, keeping this image updated in real-time and updating all downstream analytics that use these data. Data arrival rates vary by system, data formats from source systems change, and data arrive out of order due to networking delays. 5. Enabling new tools and skills for new needs Enterprise IT and analytics teams need to provide tools that enable employees with different levels of data science proficiency to work with large data sets and perform predictive analytics using a unified data image. Let’s look at what’s involved in developing and deploying AI applications at scale Data assembly and preparation The first step is to identify the required and relevant data sets and assemble them. There are often issues with data duplication, gaps in data, unavailable data and data out of sequence. Feature engineering This involves going through the data and crafting individual signals that the data scientists and domain experts think will be relevant to the problem being solved. In the case of AI-based predictive maintenance, signals could include the count of specific fault alarms over the trailing 7 days,14 days and 21 days, the sum of the specific alarms over the same trailing periods; and the maximum value of certain sensor signals over those trailing periods. Labelling the outcomes This step involves labeling the outcomes the model tries to predict. For example, in AI-based predictive maintenance applications, source data sets rarely identify actual failure labels, and practitioners have to infer failure points based on a combination of factors such as fault codes and technician work orders. Setting up the training data For classification tasks, data scientists need to ensure that labels are appropriately balanced with positive and negative examples to provide the classifier algorithm enough balanced data. Data scientists also need to ensure the classifier is not biased with artificial patterns in the data. Choosing and training the algorithm Numerous algorithm libraries are available to data scientists today, created by companies, universities, research organizations, government agencies and individual contributors. Deploying the algorithm into production Machine learning algorithms, once deployed, need to receive new data, generate outputs, and have some actions or decisions be made based on those outputs. This may mean embedding the algorithm within an enterprise application used by humans to make decisions – for example, a predictive maintenance application that identifies and prioritizes equipment requiring maintenance to provide guidance for maintenance crews. This is where the real value is created – by reducing equipment downtime and servicing costs through more accurate failure prediction that enables proactive maintenance before the equipment actually fails. In order for the machine learning algorithms to operate in production, the underlying compute infrastructure needs to be set up and managed. Close-loop continuous improvement Algorithms typically require frequent retraining by data science teams. As market conditions change, business objects and processes evolve, and new data sources are identified. Organizations need to rapidly develop, retrain, and deploy new models as circumstances change. Therefore, problems that have to be addressed to solve AI computing problems are nontrivial. Massively parallel elastic computing and storage capacity are prerequisites. In addition to the cloud, there is a multiplicity of data services necessary to develop, provision, and operate applications of this nature. However, the price of missing a transformational strategic shift is steep. The corporate graveyard is littered with once-great companies that failed to change. This article originally appeared on Makeen Technologies.
Fear of the Unknown: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the most popular and developed technological trend in 2020 with a market value projected to reach $70 billion. AI is impacting several areas of knowledge and business, from the entertainment sector to the medical field where AI is utilizing high-precision algorithms through machine learning that can produce more accurate diagnoses and detect symptoms of serious diseases at a much earlier stage. The innovation that AI offers to industry, businesses, and consumers is positively changing all processes. The new decade will be driven by the rise of automation and AI-induced robotics. However, there is a huge exaggeration and hysteria about the future of Artificial Intelligence and how humans will need to adapt and get used to living with it. In fact, AI is a topic that has polarized popular opinion. What is true is that AI will become the core of everything that humans interact within the coming years, and beyond. Hence, to have a clear opinion about AI and its impact, it is important to understand what it is and what are the types of artificial intelligence that exist. General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) is the type of AI that can perform any cognitive function in the way a human does. The technology is not there yet but it is developing at a fast pace and there are interesting AI projects such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink. Today, narrow AI applications, intended to develop only one task, such as IBM Watson, Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and others are the ones that share the world with us. The key difference between the AGI or wide artificial intelligence and the narrow or weak AI is the goal setting and the volition. In the future, AGI will have the ability to reflect on its own objectives and decide whether to adjust them or not and to what extent. We have to admit that, if done right, this extraordinary technological achievement will change humanity forever. However, there is still a long way to go to get to that point. Despite this, many fear that Super Artificial Intelligence (ASI) will one day go beyond human cognition, also known as the technological singularity. At the moment, in society, there are two emerging and visible groups: on the one hand, the public is informed- in this group, trust towards new and emerging technologies has been increasing over time. On the other hand, there is the mass population -a group where trust remains stagnant. Of course, social networks also play a role here. It’s not just about consumption, but about amplification, with people who share news more than ever and discuss issues relevant to them. Confidence used to be from top to bottom, but now it is established horizontally from equal to equal. Will AI benefit or destroy society? AI can only become what humans want it to become. Humans have the task of coding their AI creations. If the mass population is increasingly anxious about AI, this is due to fear of the unknown. Perhaps it is also because there is very little information available about the benefits AI offers to balance with those who believe that AI will destroy society and take away their jobs. For now, AI has only been providing great benefits and its coverage in the medium term can only benefit and optimize many areas of human activity.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for robust Cyber Security
Machine Learning Africa recently partnered with Darktrace to present a webinar on Leveraging AI & Machine Learning for robust Cybersecurity. Topic: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in building robust Cyber security solutions. The adoption of emerging technologies comes with increasing cybersecurity risks. AI and ML can be used to detect and analyze cyber-security threats effectively at an early stage. Warren Mayer, Alliances Director for Africa at Darktrace, provided invaluable insight on the importance of self-learning and self-defending networks in mitigating cyber security risks. WATCH THE WEBINAR ON DEMAND
Ethiopian Airlines
Improves service deliveryand monetizes website window shoppers Unrivaled in Africa for efficiency and operational success, Ethiopian Airlines serves 127 international and 22 domestic destinations. Like many airlines, the company is always looking to lower costs and improve margins. Growing direct sales by capturing every potential booking from callers and website visitors is vital to meeting those goals. However, the airline’s contact center struggled with incompatible systems and information islands. Calls were routed to agents without taking into account language skills or competencies. That raised abandon rates, transfers and hand offs. Teams worked in silos using email and chat. There was no CRM system or workforce management; data resided on a central booking system or was buried elsewhere. The company lacked a full overview of the customer journey and real-time insight into conversations and preferences. The first step in the transformation was to replace an externally hosted contact center solution with a strong omnichannel platform that the company could manage internally and use to drive improvements and business growth. Live after two months, the Genesys Cloud™ contact center allows up to 500 agents to work more productively in a blended fashion, effortlessly switching between calls, email and chat conversations — all managed from a single omnichannel desktop. Introducing Genesys Workforce Management further improved the customer experience. As a result, Ethiopian Airlines has seen service levels soar from 70% to 95%, with higher first-call resolution and sizeable reductions in abandoned calls (from 20% to 3%). Call-answer times have dropped from 20 to 8 seconds. With two weeks of implementing Genesys Predictive Engagement, the airline not only gained insights about website journeys, it also leveraged artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to uncover behaviors and interests of visitors. This allowed the company to offer tailored deals through webchat. Ethiopian Airlines also can engage customers through the website with attractive travel packages that were created as a result of tracking real-time statistics and data. Benefits 25% increase in service levels 60% faster call response 17% fewer abandoned calls 49% increase in website sales conversions 72% reduction in website dwell time Effective pandemic response without adding headcount Future roadmap for mobile and AI integration “Genesys Predictive Engagement is enabling us to capture significantly more window shoppers on our website. Conversion rates rose by 14% in the first two weeks and by 49% at the six-week stage. And, we’ve only really scratched the surface of what the tool can do.” Getinet Tadesse, CIO, Ethiopian Airlines Download AI success stories ebook
Artificial intelligence is not new, yet there have been quick advances in the field as of late. This has to a limited extent been empowered by improvements in processing power and the colossal volumes of advanced information that are presently produced. A wide scope of utilizations of AI are currently being investigated with significant open and private speculation and premium. The UK Government reported its aspiration to make the UK a world head in AI and information advancements in its 2017 Industrial Strategy. In April 2018, a £1bn AI part bargain between UK Government and industry was reported, including £300 million towards AI research. AI is commended as having the capacity to help address significant wellbeing challenges, for example, meeting the consideration needs of a maturing populace. Significant innovation organizations – including Google, Microsoft, and IBM – are putting resources into the improvement of AI for human services and research. The quantity of AI new businesses has likewise been consistently increasing. There are a few UK based organizations, some of which have been set up as a team with UK colleges and clinics. Organizations have been framed between NHS suppliers and AI engineers, for example, IBM, DeepMind, Babylon Health, and Ultromics. Healthcare Organization – Artificial intelligence can possibly be utilized in arranging and asset assignment in wellbeing and social consideration administrations. For instance, the IBM Watson Care Manager framework is being guided by Harrow Council with the point of improving cost productivity. It matches people with a consideration supplier that addresses their issues, inside their distributed consideration spending plan. It additionally structures singular consideration plans and claims to offer bits of knowledge for increasingly successful utilization of care the executive’s resources. AI is likewise being utilized with the point of improving patient experience. Birch Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool is working with IBM Watson to make a ‘psychological medical clinic’, which will incorporate an application to encourage collaborations with patients. The application means to distinguish persistent tensions before a visit, give data on request, and furnish clinicians with data to assist them with delivering suitable medications. Medical Research – Artificial intelligence can be utilized to dissect and distinguish designs in enormous and complex datasets quicker and more decisively than has recently been possible. It can likewise be utilized to look the logical writing for pertinent investigations, and to consolidate various types of information; for instance, to help sedate discovery. The Institute of Cancer Research’s jars AR database joins hereditary and clinical information from patients with data from logical research and uses AI to make forecasts about new focuses for malignancy drugs. Researchers have built up an AI ‘robot researcher’ called Eve which is intended to make the procedure of medication disclosure quicker and more economical. (K.Williams, 2015) AI frameworks utilized in human services could likewise be significant for restorative research by coordinating reasonable patients to clinical examinations. Clinical Care – Artificial intelligence can possibly help the analysis of illness and is presently being trialed for this reason in some UK emergency clinics. Utilizing AI to investigate clinical information, examine distributions, and expert rules could likewise advise choices about treatment PATIENT AND CONSUMER IMPACT APPLICATIONS – A few applications that utilization AI to offer customized wellbeing appraisals and home consideration exhortation are as of now available. The application Ada Health Companion utilizes AI to work a talk bot, which joins data about side effects from the client with other data to offer conceivable diagnoses. GP at Hand, a comparative application created by Babylon Health, is as of now being trialed by a gathering of NHS medical procedures in London. Information devices or visit bots driven by AI are being utilized to help with the administration of constant ailments. For instance, the Arthritis Virtual Assistant created by IBM for Arthritis Research UK is learning through associations with patients to give customized data and guidance concerning prescriptions, diet, and exercise. (Release, 2017) Government-financed and business activities are investigating manners by which AI could be utilized to control mechanical frameworks and applications to help individuals living at home with conditions, for example, beginning time dementia. Man-made intelligence applications that screen and bolster tolerant adherence to recommended drug and treatment have been trialed with promising outcomes, for instance, in patients with tuberculosis. (L.Shafner, 2017) Other apparatuses, for example, Sentrian, use AI to examine data gathered by sensors worn by patients at home. The point is to identify indications of decay to empower early mediation and avoid medical clinic affirmations. PUBLIC HEALTH – Artificial intelligence can possibly be utilized to help early location of irresistible malady flare-ups and wellsprings of pandemics, for example, water contamination. (B.Jacobsmeyer, 2012) AI has likewise been utilized to anticipate unfavourable medication responses, which are assessed to cause up to 6.5 percent of emergency clinic affirmations in the UK. Babylon a UK fire up plans to “put an open and reasonable wellbeing administration in the hands of each individual on earth” by putting man-made brainpower (AI) apparatuses to work. Right now, the organization has activities in the UK and Rwanda and plans to extend to the Middle East, the United States, and China. The organization’s technique is to consolidate the intensity of AI with the medicinal aptitude of people to convey unrivalled access to human services. How does Babylon’s AI work? A submitted group of research researchers, architects, specialists and disease transmission experts are cooperating to create and enhance Babylon’s AI capacities. A great part of the collaboration is on the advancement of bleeding edge AI explore; this is being passed through access to enormous volumes of information from the therapeutic network, constant gaining from our very own clients and through input from Babylon’s very own specialists. The knowledge graph and user graph: Babylon’s Knowledge Graph is one of the biggest organized medicinal information bases on the planet. It catches human information on present day medication and is encoded for machines. We utilize this as the reason for Babylon’s clever parts to address one another. The Knowledge Graph monitors the significance behind therapeutic phrasing
Email Threat Report
Despite organizations adopting ‘secure’ email gateways and extensive employee training, 94% of cyber-attacks still start in the inbox. It’s clear a more advanced approach to email security is needed. Able to spot the subtlest signals of attack, Darktrace Antigena Email recognizes malicious activity even in ‘clean emails’ – preventing threats from reaching the inbox. Read the 2020 Email Security Threat Report now to discover what today’s threat landscape looks like and how Darktrace AI autonomously neutralizes all email-borne threats, from malware in fake invoices to C-level impersonation attacks. Download now